I decide that I want to do the history of African American classical music that leads up to the music that we listen to today. Then compose my own song on the piano and sing it.
Polyrhythm - is the simultaneous sounding of two or more independent rhythms:
Black Renaissance - a intellectual and artistic movement with a strong emphasis on the ethnic roots and pride of Afro Americans:
Spiritual Shouts - when slaves went and sung spirituals and danced:
Theology - is the study and commentary on the existence and attributes of God or gods, and of how God or those gods relate to the world and, especially, to human existence and religious thought:
Tempo - music's speed: the speed at which a musical composition or passage is performed:
Urban contemporary gospel - is music that is written to express either personal or a communal belief regarding Christian life, as well as (in terms of the varying music styles) to give a Christian alternative to mainstream secular music. Urban contemporary gospel is a form of Christian music and a subgenre of gospel music:
Coded - put something in code: to put a message or text into code:
Negro - an offensive term for a black person, often considered an acceptable term in historically established phrases such as baseball's Negro Leagues
"Bush Meetings" - meetings at sacred places, because they needed to meet one another and share their joys, pains and hopes.
Praise Houses - Praise houses were built on plantations by slaves for worship services. These services often included the ring shout, in which rhythmic hand clapping and counterclockwise dancing were performed to spirituals.
Psalm - sacred song or poem of praise: a sacred song or poem of praise, especially one in the Book of Psalms in the Bible
Hymn - religious song: a song of praise to God, a god, or a saint:
Plantations - large estate or farm: a large estate or farm, especially in a hot climate, where crops such as cotton, coffee, tea, or rubber trees are grown, usually worked by resident laborers
Shouts- after a regular worship service, congragations used to stay for a "ring out"; it awas a survival of primitive African dance:
Spirituals-of soul: relating to the soul or spirit, usually in contrast to material things:
Influence - the effect of something on a person, thing or event:
Gospel - a type of African American religious music based on folk music melodies with the additoin of elements of negro spiritual and jazz:
Jazz - musical art form which originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the South from African and European music traditions:
Harlem Renaissnace - African American cultural and intellectual life during the 1920's and 30's:
Compose - to put things together to form a whole:
Melodic - consisting of the melody of a piece of music:
Banjo - a five-stringed instrument with circular box:
Improvising - to make something up on the spot, to perform or compose something:
Slavery-form of forced labor, people treated as, the property of others:
Emancipation- act of freeing: the act or process of setting somebody free or freeing someone from restrictions:
Fervor - intensity:
Cadence - rythms:
Polyrhythm - is the simultaneous sounding of two or more independent rhythms:
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